NGW: Wrestle Wars IPPV Replay
2h 45m
NGW presents Wrestle Wars filmed live July 8th in Knoxville, TN.
Bobby Flaco VS Terry Yaki, Rico Gonzalez and Kavron Kanyon.
Kayla Kassidy VS Levi Everett.
Shane Andrews VS Davey Vega.
NGW Eastern States Championship
Logan Easton LaRoux (c) VS Caleb Konley VS Brayden Lee
Defy PNW Championship
Schaff (c) VS Facade
Death Threat Army (Shawn Hoodrich, Kaden Sade and Kenji Brea) VS Sugar Dunkerton and the Naturday Saints (Bradley Prescott IV and Adam Slade)
Su Yung SV Dani Mo
NGW Championship
Matt Cross (c) VS Breeze