Wrestling Revolver: Vybe Check
PWR Remix Title
Jake Something (c) VS Gringo Loco
Masha Slamovich VS Jessicka Havoc
AJ Francis VS BDE
Damian Chambers VS JJ Garrett VS Rohit Raju VS Crash Jaxon
PWR Tag Team Title
Alpha Sigma Alpha VS Dub Club VS Rascalz
Dreadknot & Krule w/ Gia Miller VS RED
Revolver Title Match
Myron Reed (c) V... -
Wrestling Revolver: Holiday Special
PWR Remix Title
Jake Something(c) VS Rohit RajuRevolver World Title Match
Myron Reed (c) vs Crash JaxonRevolver Remix Title Match
Jake Something (c) vs Rohit Raju8 Person Holiday Havoc Match
“R.E.D” Alex Colon, RSP, Dark Pledge & Jessicka Havok vs Alpha Sigma Sigma, Jake Crist & Jody Threat... -
Wrestling Revolver: Season Finale
TNA X-Division Title
Moose (c) VS Myron ReedRev Pro Undiputed British Tag Team Title
Sunshine Machine (Chuck Mambo & TK Cooper) (c) VS Dante Leon & Jake CristPWR Remix Title
Lince Dorado (c) VS Crash Jaxon VS Damian Chambers VS JJ Garrett VS Jake Something VS Ryan MatthiasIowa Street Fight...
Wrestling Revolver: Bad Trip
Elijah VS Steve Maclin
Masha Slamovich vs Matthew Palmer
Krule vs Fulton
AJ Franci$ vs Jake Crist
Jon Gresham vs Damian Chambers
The Rascalz VS Dub Club VS Lykos Gym
"Red” Alex Colon, Rickey Shane Page & Dark Pledge vs Akira, KC Jacobs, & Judge Joe Dred
Myron Reed VS Crash Jaxon VS Alan An...
Wrestling Revolver: Epic Over Texas
Tag Team Grudge Match
"The Crew” Rich Swann & Matthew Palmer vs Speedball Mike Bailey & "Emmy Award Winner” Paul WalterHauserRevolver World Title Match
Ace Austin (c) vs Fuego Del SolRevolver Remix Title Match
Lince Dorado (c) vs Ninja MackHoss Fight - 3 Way Dance
Moose vs Jake Something v... -
Wrestling Revolver: Tales From The Ring 7
Revolver World Title Match
Ace Austin w/ Gia Miller (c) vs Robbie EaglesTNA X-Division Title Match
Speedball Mike Bailey (c) vs Matthew PalmerRevolver Remix Title
Lince Dorado (c) vs Jake CristRevolver World Tag Title Match
The Rascalz vs Steve Maclin & Alex colon vs Alpha Sigma Sigma vs Th... -
Wrestling Revolver: Taste Of Truth
Mike Bailey VS Josh Alexander
Damien Chambers VS Marina Shafir
Ruffo & Yabo The Clown w/ Violent J VS Bang & Matthews w/ Special Referee Trey Miguel
PWR Remix Title
Gringo Loco (c) VS Lince Dorado
Alex Colon, Dark Pledge, & Steve Maclin VS Atticus Cogar, Crash Jaxon & KC Jacobs
JCW American Title... -
Wrestling Revolver: Fight Club
Mike Bailey VS Matt Makowski
Matt Riddle VS Damian Chambers
Fulton VS Victor Benjamin
Mat Fitchett VS JD Griffey
Steve Maclin VS Atticus Cogar
Robert Martyr VS Lince Dorado
Jake Something VS Brayden Lee
Marina Shafir VS Vert Vixen
Josh Alexander VS Simon Gotch -
Wrestling Revolver: Cage Of Horrors 3
Crash Jaxon VS Jake Something
Marina Shafir VS Fulton
Matthew Palmer & Rich Swann VS Ace Austin & Jake Crist
PWR Tag Team Title Match
Lince Dorado & Samuray Del Sol (c) VS August Matthews & Davey Bang
Alpha Sigma Alpha VS RED (Colon & Maclin)
PWR Remix Title
Gringo Loco (c) VS Lio Rush VS Myron R... -
Wrestling Revolver: Another Friday
Myron Reed VS Mike Bailey
Revolver Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) VS Trent Seven
Ace Austin VS Brayden Lee VS Rickey Shane Page VS Landon Hale VS Fulton VS Brett Ryan Gosselin VS Jeffery John
Ethan Page VS Damian Chambers
Jake Crist VS Rich Swann
Steve Maclin VS Brent Oakley
Crash Jaxon, Masha Slam... -
Wrestling Revolver: Revolver X HOG
Amazing Red vs. Mustafa Ali
HOG Crown Jewel Title Match- Carlos Ramirez (c) vs. 1 Called Manders
Mike Bailey vs. Masha Slamovich
Four Way Tag Team Match- Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. The Mane Event (Jay Lyon & Midas Black...
Wrestling Revolver: Grit Your Teeth
Wrestling Revolver presents “Grit Your Teeth” held March 28th, 2024 in Clive, Iowa
First Time Ever
Mustafa Ali VS Rich SwannRevolver World Title Match:
Alex Shelley (c) VS Ace Austin w/ Gia MillerDayton Street Fight
Grizzled Young Vets VS The RascalzMance Warner VS Manders
Killer Kelly VS...
Wrestling Revolver: Ready or Not
Wrestling Revolver presents “Ready Or Not” filmed live March 16th in Clive, Iowa.
Emmy VS Slammy
Matt Cardona VS Paul Walter HauserElimination Games
Red ( Maclin, Killer Kelly, Colon & RSP) VS SGC (Mancer, Manders, Justice, & Masha)Revolver World Tag Team Title Match
Grizzled Young Vets VS L... -
Wrestling Revovler: WHATASHOW
Wrestling Revolver presents “WHATASHOW” held Feb 17th, in Grand Prairie, Texas.
Speedball Mike Bailey VS Elijah
Revolver World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) VS Alan Angles VS JD Griffey VS Exodus Prime
Revolver Tag Team Title Match
MonsterSauce" Lance Archer & Alex Zayne Vs. Grizzled Young Vetera... -
Wrestling Revolver: Mox VS Gringo
Wrestling Revolver presents “Mox VS Gringo” held Jan 25th, 2024 in Dayton, Oh
Jon Moxley VS Gringo Loco
Revover World & Remix - Title vs Title Match
Alex Shelley vs Jake CristRevolver World Tag Title Match- Four Way
"RED" RSP & Alex Colon vs Grizzled Young Vets vs Second Gear Crew vs Rascalz
... -
Wrestling Revolver: Season Finale
Revolver Title Match
Jake Crist (c) VS Gringo LocoGrizzled Young Vets VS The Rascalz
Killer Kelly VS Emi Sakura
Masaaki Mochizuki VS Mike Bailey
Golden Ticket Scramble
Jake Something VS Matthew Palmer VS Ace Austin VS Alan Angels VS Brent Oakley VS KC Jacobs VS PledgeOrtiz VS Bryan Keith
Wrestling Revolver: Unreal
Rey Horus VS Gringo Loco
Jacob Fatu VS Masha Slamovich
Matthew Palmer VS Paul Walter Hauser
Revolver Title Scramble Match
Jake Crist (c) VS Alan Angels VS Chris Bey VS Damian Chambers VS Rocky Romero VS Sonico
Manders VS Jake Something VS Slice Boogie VS Steve Maclin
Bryan Keith VS Mike Bailey
Th... -
Wrestling Revolver: Women's Grand Prix
Tournament entrants:
Billie Starkz
Marina Shafir
Emi Sakura
Trish Adora
Allysin Kay
Janai Kai
Rachel Armstrong
Vert VixenNon tournament:
Jordynne Grace & Killer Kelly vs JesSICKa & Nevaeh
Jamie Senegal VS Zoey Sky -
Wrestling Revolver: Naito Takes Dayton
#NaitoTakesDayton filmed live Feb 16th at the Rockstar Pro Arena in historic Dayton, Ohio.
Jason Cade VS Trey Miguel
Matthew Palmer defends his Open Invite Scramble Championship
AAW Women’s Championship
Jessicka Havok (c) VS Shotzi Blackheart
Clayton Gainz VS Brian Cage
Revolver Tag Team ...
Wrestling Revolver: Cage of Horrors 2
Double Scaffold - Cage of Horrors Match:
"The Rascalz" Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz, & Myron Reed VS "The SGC" Mance Warner, Matthew Justice, & 1 Called Manders.Dream Match
Roderick Strong vs Speedball Mikey BaileyRevolver World Title Match
Jake Crist (c) vs Kevin BlackwoodNo DQ - Tornado T...
Wrestling Revolver: Catalina Wrestling Mixer Volume 2
The Wrestling Revolver presents the f'n #CatalinaWrestlingMixer Vol 2.
8 team tag tournament for the PWR Tag Titles.
First Round
Killer Death Machines VS The Rascals (Wentz/Xavier)
The Besties VS Rascals (Reed/Miguel)
The Night Riderz VS Strickland/Cade
Rich Swann Open Invite Sc...
Wrestling Revolver: Tales From The Ring 5
Lucha 3-Way Dance:
Rey Fenix vs Rich Swann vs Laredo KidTexas Casket Match
Abadon vs Matthew PalmerFirst Time Ever
"The Rascalz" Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz vs Alpha Sigma SigmaHoss Fight 3-Way
Lance Archer vs Steve Maclin vs Brick SavageDefy Women's Title Match
(c) Vert Vixen vs Killa Ka... -
Wrestling Revovler: Redemption
On October 8th Wrestling Revolver: Redemption is live on FITE+ straight from Calumet Center in Dayton, OH. The full lineup is already stacked and you can check it below:
Lucha Street Fight
Jon Moxley vs Gringo LocoRevolver World Title Match
Jake Crist (c) vs OrtizRevolver World Tag Title Mat...
Wrestling Revolver: Heat 'Em Up
Pro Wrestling Revolver presents “Heat ‘Em Up” held August 3rd, 2023 in Dayton, Ohio.
Chris Sabin Vs Masha Slamovich
Rachel Armstrong VS Allie Katch
Zach Wentz VS Myron Reed
PWR Tag Team Title 6 man match
SGC (Manders, Mance Warner, & Matt Justice) (c) VS Alpha Sigma Sigma (Oakley, Jacobs, & The ...